We're a leading SEO agency that will improve customer engagement and SEO by optimising your landing pages with high-quality, relevant content.

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Keywords matter. Search engines use keywords to decide whether a page is relevant to a search query. We would typically try and include every major keyword that you want to rank for. For example, if you were providing comparison services, you would want a landing page that included plenty of keywords related to mobile phones, broadband, gas, electricity, credit cards, etc.

First and foremost, the text should be high-quality. Our first priority is for humans not search engines. These pages might be 1,000 words long or even 10,000 words long. Firstly, they are designed to engage customers and demonstrate your expertise, but secondly, the text must also include relevant keywords.

Relevant keywords are there to attract the search engines, not distract the reader. Our writers understand the importance of relevant keywords. They will weave your keywords into their copy naturally and seamlessly.

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Website pages must be relevant. Landing pages are designed to provide all the relevant information a customer needs to make a purchase. When a customer “lands” on your site, they should be able to tell immediately that the site has everything they need. The text on a landing page should be written in a clear, digestible manner so the viewer can skim read, read the page in its entirety or skip to a relevant section.

When a page is not relevant, visitors are more likely to bounce away to a different website. High bounce rates are a strong signal your website offers a low-value visitor experience. In time, search engines will penalise you and your traffic will slowly dry up.

We will create high-quality, relevant content for your landing page. Our experienced writers understand the value of the written word. They can write copy that draws the reader in and persuades them to follow your call to action (CTA).

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Well-crafted landing pages are an opportunity for you to inform your potential customers, engage with them, and make them feel valued – without any hard sales speak. They introduce a visitor to your brand, your service, and provide them with pre-sale information. They also convert visitors to customers, who in time will become your brand ambassadors.

If the right keywords drive visitors to your site, high-quality, relevant content boosts brand engagement. Your landing page should educate your visitors on the merits of your products or services. This is not the time to deliver a strong sales message.

We can craft subtle sales copy that helps readers connect with your brand. We place a strong focus on compelling headlines and copy that emphasise the benefits of what you have to offer.

Contact us today if you require a high-converting landing page for your e-commerce store, business website, or blog. We can help!