As a leading SEO agency our technical SEO services are key to any successful SEO strategy, ensuring your website meets the necessary requirements set by search engines to rank higher organically.

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It’s essential to create a site structure that is easy for both users and search engine bots to navigate. Since your website’s architecture is the foundation that supports your content, we will make sure that it is strong in setting the right tone for your entire business.

There should be an evident hierarchy when it comes to the URLs used and how the site is presented. Category pages that are smart and concise ensure that every page on your site is no more than a few clicks away from your home page.

Internal links will be used consistently and creatively throughout the site, and of course, it’s important that all links are working. Broken internal links make it very difficult for search engine crawlers to do their job, significantly reducing the chance of your site ranking on the first page of Google.

Finally, implementing an XML sitemap will provide search engines with a more detailed look into your site and help them understand your website structure, especially helpful for larger E-commerce websites.

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Search engines use robots to crawl websites, including yours. This is why, when building your website, it’s crucial that you do so in such a way that not only makes it user-friendly but also easy for search engine crawler bots to navigate. The best way to start with this is with a robust system of internal links.

When the search engine robot reaches your website, the first thing it looks for is a robots.txt file. This file works together with your XML sitemap, and it must be implemented correctly, otherwise, search engines may be prevented from crawling your website. If your site cannot be crawled by search engines, this can have catastrophic results for your rankings.

On the other hand, when the robots.txt file is implemented correctly, it can help the search engines to fully access your site, along with preventing it from viewing any pages that you do not want it to. Once the site has been crawled by the search engine bots, and the content has been analysed, the data about your site will be indexed, or stored. This means that your content will be shown underneath search results for relevant queries.

Don't worry if you don't understand this as we will ensure that your site is set up correctly for the search engine robots to crawl and index it.

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Today, users demand fast, effortless content whether they are browsing on a desktop PC, laptop, or a mobile. In fact, almost half of web users are simply going to hit the back button and abandon a page that takes longer than just two seconds to load, so your site only has a very small margin for error.

There are several tools we use to audit your page load speed and make sure that your website isn’t putting visitors off before they even reach your site by taking forever to load up. These tools will help us figure out where you might be going wrong and what needs fixing, along with allowing us to compare your site’s speed to competitors.

Once we understand how long your site is taking to load and what’s causing this, we will implement various fixes to speed up your load time and attract more visitors. This could mean reducing image sizes, using caching more effectively, or minimising scripted code.

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Search engines are looking for websites that are safe and secure to index, as they are all about making sure that their users are getting the best experience. This means that they appreciate businesses that are serious about protecting their customers’ information and personal data.

There are several things that we will do to make your website more secure and therefore improve your standing with search engines. These include implementing SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, which builds a wall of protection around your website for your users. HTTPS in the browser bar before your website URL means that more users are likely to trust your site, as it provides integrity and authority.

Along with building user trust, SSL also allows search engines themselves to trust your website more. Since search engines today place a lot of value on safety, a website without a valid SSL is unlikely to rank on the first page of results in a search.

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Thin content can cause SEO issues as there is either no or very little words written on the page, therefore, Google and other search engines will class this as not being valuable to the user. This could include scraped content, where bots scrape content from other websites, or autogenerated content, which involves copy that has been written by a program rather than a real person. This content often includes keywords but doesn’t make sense to users. Since it’s not engaging or relevant, search engines see it as being of no value to users, regardless of any keywords present.

We will ensure that your content is of high value, helps increase conversions, and satisfies the intent of the user so that they keep coming back time and time again.

Duplicate content, where the same content appears more than once on your website, is also a problem. Repeated content means that search engines struggle to know which page to rank for organic keywords or which page to remove or keep in the index. As a result, duplicate content if not dealt with correctly can lead to your website not getting targeted organic traffic.

E-commerce sites for example, invariably contain duplicate content where the same products appear on multiple pages. In this situation to help Google choose the right page we will ensure that special tags called canonical url's are set up correctly. In all other scenarios we will remove any offending duplicate content.