9th of December 2019 by Alex Mungo
vintage red typewriter

Copywriting is a very unique form of writing that is designed to persuade, influence, and inform. Much of what you see or hear online from businesses is a form of copywriting. The scripts on a video, the ads that you see as you browse Facebook or the content that you consume when you are researching products or services. Copywriting has never been more important for your business and building your brand.

The Power Of Copywriting

The ways in which the words on the page, in the post or on a video connect with readers, tell stories, and solve real problems can influence how successful your business is online. SEO copywriting is a very specific type of copy that is designed to give people information to help them make a buying decision. It could be a product review, a guide on a particular product or service or a case study. There are lots of different types of SEO copywriting and its primary purpose is to generate traffic to a website through carefully crafted copy that captures and holds attention.


Without copy you would find it very difficult to sell to your prospects online. A copywriter is a person who can understand the main problems that a prospect has and write content in such a way that helps them solve this issue, providing a solution (your product or service).


SEO copy will be optimised around key search terms that your target audience are actively using to find information online. The specific words they use will depend on what stage of the customer journey they are in. In the awareness stage they will be searching for general terms that introduce them to a product or service. As they move along the buyer journey and closer towards making a purchase, their searches will change. It is your job through SEO copywriting to identify the user intent, or the search terms that your prospects are searching for and create exceptional content optimised around these search terms that gives the prospect all the information they need.


There are some key elements that your copy should have to increase chances of success:

  • A compelling headline to draw the reader in
  • Keywords and search terms built around user intent
  • Compelling H1, H2, tags optimised around keywords
  • In depth, quality content
  • Optimised images
  • Internal & External Links

When SEO copywriting is approached in the right way with a targeted approach and with the help of an SEO agency, it can generate a significant number of qualified leads for your business.

Alex Mungo Founder Of Go Mungo SEO
Alex Mungo

Founder of Go Mungo SEO Alex has a passion for SEO, enjoying sharing his knowledge and experience through his writing.

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