3rd of June 2020 by Alex Mungo
vector icon of businessmen analysing data graph post covid 19

The world is changing and changing fast, especially when it comes to consumer habits. Those who were still wary of e-commerce and favour traditional shopping are now being forced to adapt. We can expect many businesses to either move to a completely online format or make it a major part of their product offering. This will make knowing and understanding SEO crucial for any business who may want to stand out during this crucial recovery period. Let’s take a look at exactly why SEO will play a major role in recovery post-pandemic.

Search is King

It has been estimated that around 53% of all website traffic comes from search. From this traffic, about 83% comes from organic search and the rest is from paid search results. However, we can expect companies to start pulling back on their paid search strategy and look at the bigger piece of the pie. This is the perfect time for companies to re-evaluate their SEO strategy and focus on creating valuable content.

Better SEO Translates to Better User Experience

At the end of the day, while SEO can be highly technical, the end goal is to reward websites that provide the best experience to users. This is why a site with good SEO will usually be a pleasure to navigate, which will eventually increase your conversion rates.

Bounce rates are more than just a number. They are a reflection of how well you’re able to fulfill your customers’ expectations. Better markup, tagging, and structure can turn a piece of ordinary content into a lead machine. Technical changes have actual repercussions on customer behaviour, and those who understand that will have an advantage over those who see SEO as a detail.

SEO can Help Non-Essential Businesses

Businesses that can’t operate right now can use SEO to stay in their clienteles’ minds or use it to leverage their brand and find new streams of income. Companies can focus on their content strategy, become an authority, and build a closer relationship with their clients. This could also be an opportunity to build a mailing list and use it as a resource. You will then have a much more attentive, committed, and reachable base when business kicks back up.

SEO Keeps Businesses Relevant

Recency is important when it comes to search, and while Google places a lot of importance on expertise, trustworthiness, and authority when it comes to content, they also place a lot of importance on showing the most up to date information. This is why brands that are able to constantly produce fresh, original, well-cited, researched, optimised, and original content will have a better chance of getting attention, even in hot niches with noisy search results.

We can expect more businesses to pay special attention to SEO in the next coming years. Business owners can no longer afford to stay on the sidelines and having an SEO strategy could be a matter of life or death for many.

Alex Mungo Founder Of Go Mungo SEO
Alex Mungo

Founder of Go Mungo SEO Alex has a passion for SEO, enjoying sharing his knowledge and experience through his writing.

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