25th of February 2023 by Alex Mungo
seo gear wheel

The use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an effective tool used in driving traffic to a website and contributing to the success of any business. It is quite common for website owners who would like to promote their businesses online to include SEO strategies in their search engine marketing campaigns as SEO is effective in improving a website’s rankings in the search results. However, there are many facets of SEO to consider that drive an online marketing campaign or a business to success. One of those facets is to understand there are things that SEO can and cannot do for their website. Lets take a look at some of these things.


Attract New Clients

A good business website is one that attracts clients and has the ability to increase the volume of site visitors consistently. SEO can help bring new clients to the site but not encourage them to re-visit or bookmark your website. The task of creating an appealing site that users will enjoy, re-visit, and refer to their friends is in the hands of the web designer and content manager. The combination of a visually attractive and easy to navigate page, paired with engaging and relevant content is what makes visitors come back to your site.

SEO Alone Cannot Sell Products

Another limitation is that SEO alone cannot sell the product for you. Targeting the right keywords can grab the attention of your potential customers and drive them to your online shop but it is the images, sales pitch, and interactive customer support that closes the deal. In this case, to help with UX (user experience) it would help if your images are optimized so they don’t take too long to download and ensure that they are displayed properly on the page. After all a good image paired with an accurate product description can help build the integrity of your site and encourage re-visits or referrals.

SEO Doesn't Gurantee Immediate Results?

Lastly, SEO doesn’t guarantee immediate results. Website owners who contract the services of SEO experts should manage their expectations and not assume that their website will be on the first page of search engines immediately. Whilst it is every website owner’s wish to land on these coveted first page slots, the changing algorithms and stiff competition make it nearly impossible to accomplish this immediately. SEO happens over time, the more you invest in it the more likely you will see tangible results and achieve your long term goals.

Alex Mungo Founder Of Go Mungo SEO
Alex Mungo

Founder of Go Mungo SEO Alex has a passion for SEO, enjoying sharing his knowledge and experience through his writing.

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